Duccio Armenise

Founder & CEO · Experienced

Varedo, Italia · Available in 90 days

Startup Management | Full-stack WEB Development | Problem Solving | 1 more...

Duccio A. headshot
Professional Goals

I help you find the best training with Corsidia, then I help you find the best job with uCV.
Once you're great at your job, I help you share your knowledge through Esmerise.

co-Founder & CEO


05/2020 - Present

Core Competencies:

Are you a job seeker? Or a company looking for a candidate? Let's cut the middleman out!
Business Partner & Mentor


12/2022 - Present

Core Competencies:

Would you like to build a business by sharing your knowledge? I joined forces with Esmerise to provide you with the best platform to do just that.
Founder & CEO
Corsidia SB S.r.l.
in Varedo (MB)


02/2019 - Present

Core Competencies:

Based on meritocracy, Corsidia is the first *selection* engine for training opportunities in Italy. Instead of finding all the opportunities, as you would on a *search* engine, on Corsidia you'll find only the best. If you'd like to publish your courses on Corsidia, be ready to take no for an answer. We are currently a team of 7 people with big plans for the world. So, if you're not in Italy, please wait :)
co-Founder & Marketing Director
WorldBridge S.r.l.
in Via Pastrengo 14, Isola, Milano.


01/2013 - 12/2019

Core Competencies:

WorldBridge is the language school and interpreting/translation agency I co-founded in Milan with Maral Shams. For 7 years it had kept me busy as the Marketing Director, during which I specialized in reaching a specific kind of clients: students. Oh, I also met my wife. She was a teacher there. If you want to meet a lot of women from all over the world and then choose the best (among the incredibly small subset that'd choose you), build a language school!
Junior Account Manager
i-Faber S.p.A.
in Milano, Bodio Center


05/2008 - 07/2011

Core Competencies:

i-Faber Spa, now incorporated into Accenture Spa, was a Unicredit Group company among the 5 top operators of "e-procurement" (B2B supply chain management). I directly reported to the manager of the "Banking Purchasing Network" and we were responsible for negotiations that included 10 of the top banks in Italy, for a total amount of over 200 million euros per year. Frankly, it was like living inside a Dilbert comic, but it gave me what I needed to start my own business: money, experience, and desperation.
Politecnico di Milano Leonardo
Degree: Biomedical Engineering Degree, BSc

2003 - 2008


Choosing biomedical engineering was a non-choice because I had no idea about what I wanted to do with my life. The good thing about it is that it included many paths: medicine, electronics, mechanics, chemistry, and programming. I later went on to become a startupper... but programming is still with me and it's like a superpower.
Epoché Service Integrator Srl
Degree: Master in Java Architect - best of class

2009 - 2009


After accepting that I didn't know how to build a web application, I decided to go back to school. I still don't know how to build a web application, but apparently nobody knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's mostly determination + trial & error + good teachers (that I definitely found here).
Istituto Tecnico Enrico Fermi
Degree: Secondary School Diploma in Electronic Engineering

1997 - 2002


After 5 years I was able to dodge bullies, eat my snack without it being stolen, date the prettiest girl in the class.

C1 - Advanced


C2 - Proficiency

Hard skills

Full-stack WEB Development, Digital Marketing

Soft skills

Problem Solving

Skills I'd like to learn or improve

English Pronunciation, Public Speaking, Management

Field of work

Startup Management

Other information

Singing, playing guitar, kite surfing, horse riding.

Plans for the future

Learn Spanish and how to dance, change the headshot on my CV, go global with my startup.